
Posts Tagged ‘Reflection’

Course Reflection-Final Project

January 21, 2011 Leave a comment

General Course Experiences
B) Taking IDC was a really fun and slightly boring course. If there was something interesting or something important to do, I would put my work to it to complete the given task. However there were times where I did not fully do my work truth be told. After my time in IDC, I have developed more presentation skills. Both in the software/tool uses and in an actual presentation environment. I learnt how to use presentation creation software like Prezi and Google Docs, as well learned how to use presenting software like Jing. These software that I have learnt in this course are very appealing and simple to use compare to the Microsoft Powerpoint. I feel that using these presentation software will gather more appeal and attention then to use just a slide to slide with crazy transition program.  Practicing using this tool does not entirely mean I have to just make the presentation and then sit back to relax. I also improved myself when I do give the actual presentation vocally and it seems that I can focus more when presenting. I had also built confidence to actual give a straightforward and more simplistic presentation so that I always have the ability to get straight to the point. I have also improved teamwork and cooperation, helping me communicate more with fellow classmates when it is ever needed. As well built self confidence to actually do a presentation at unknown environment. I believe once I step out of this course, I have fully develop my presentation skill which is very vital in the working world and future classes which requires me to create tutorials, workshops, seminars, and research presentation.

Areas for Improvement
D) Looking back at the start of the class, the purpose of IDC was merely a course where we the students have to try and find ways to implicate technology into education. Because the world relies so much in technology, the next big step was to find ways and method to use the future products and somehow find ways to make it into our school life. This year, we set up netbooks and made them usable to any class who requests for it. It is a cool piece of technology but we somehow actually disregarded the uses of it a lot since the beginning of the semester. They are a cool item to use in a classroom environment, but not all the class who took them really used it to its fullest potential. In reality, the classes that had the netbooks must have treated them like any other computer lab. I think that sort of idea is fine with me. The only reason I say that is because I have to agree that we have focused all onto Web Tools 2.0. I think we have to continue to expand on that rather than trying to find more uses for any other technology. If students were to use the netbooks to do their work, they would have to rely on using Web Tools to do it anyways. The netbooks are only there to just give access to tools and software. So rather than just to find cooler and more efficient way to use the netbooks, it should be best to just fine new web tools and try and find how we can innovate those tools in classes more.

Technology in Education
A) I find that technology in general is the greatest innovation to be placed in a school environment. Technological tools definitely help improve the education system as well as communication amongst students. We are in the age of technology. Everything almost revolves around people turning on computers to do everyday tasks and  stuff that can only be done through technology. I find that using more technology can increase student participation and understanding, but not to the extent to improve a student’s educational result. We have items like computer, phones, iPad/iPod Touch, smart boards, and other technological software/tools at our disposal that could definitely improve all sort of knowledgeable characteristic. Using the smart board is one good example because students are really interested to try out this cool device which is a simple attention attractor. If you were to open up a smart board to computer connection, there is more simplicity to pull out web contents of what the teacher is trying to teach rather than just reading out of a textbook and writing on the chalkboard. Teachers can freely open up videos and online articles which seems to be more attractive to students. Another good item to use are iPod Touch and phones. Rather than using these items to play games and communicating, you can freely use it as a remote device or an electronic cue card. It definitely improves a student’s confidence when they decide to present something. Rather flipping through  scrap of papers and just leaving them in shambles, all the notes would be well organized and becomes more simple to access. So I have to say that bringing and using technology in education is a great way to improve the educational value of a student.

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